The Book

Now available is Dr. Pritchett’s extraordinary 744-page Civil War Soldiers from Brunswick County, Virginia.

 1,140 Genealogies
Includes the service record and genealogy of 1,140 who contributed during the Civil War. More...
 Fully Indexed
Includes a full-name index of 35,000 entries and an index of family, community, and church cemeteries.
Nicely Bound
744 pages long and printed on 8 ½ x 11, 50 lb. paper, the attractive volume is Smyth-sewn and has a Roxite cloth hard cover with title on both the spine and front cover.
 CSA Military History
Includes the history of eight units in which Brunswick men served -- Allen’s Artillery, Brunswick Blues, Brunswick Grays, Brunswick Guards, Coleman’s Artillery, Ebenezer Grays, Co. C, 44th Infantry Reserves, and the 12th Infantry Regiment.
This book includes a 1908-photograph of Brunswick County’s surviving veterans. More....
Several periodicals have reviewed Civil War Soldiers. More....
Dr. Pritchett published the first edition of Civil War Soldiers in the Brunswick Times-Gazette over a period of seven years. The second edition, updated and expanded to include information gathered from readers, was ready for publication at his death in 1989.

Printed for the author  
by Gateway Press  

Civil War Soldiers from Brunswick County, Virginia
Copyright © 2001-2007, John W. Pritchett. All rights reserved.